Saturday 16 July 2011

And finally, this is the end product through all that steps. Hope you like it...

12. And for the last step, I typed the slogan of MMU and added two lines by using Line Tool to fill the empty area. Later, I used mask layer for both line in order to create a neat gradient to them by apply gradient using Gradient Tool.

11. Late I selected all the signs with course title along with the texts and re-scaled them down to make more impression on the sign on the right which contains the name of the faculty.

10. I repeated the same method for the rest of the signs so I could fill the poster with the remaining course titles.

9. After that, I used Ctrl+V to pasted an image of my text on the screen and by using Edit Plan Tool I dragged and dropped it on the designated area. Later I adjusted the text to fit the sign perfectly.

8. By using the Create Plan Tool I created the desired plan based on the perspective of the sign.

7. After using the Text Tool to create my own text, I typed the name of a course offered in the Faculty. Then I selected that layer of text and used Ctrl+C to copy it and then I created a new layer. Later, while I had the new layer selected I used the Vanishing Point option in Filter Menu in order to give the proper perspective to my text based on the blank area on the duplicated sign image.